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Ba Trieu Temple

Location: Temple built on mountains Ms. Zhao Gai (also called mountain Ai), close to the national highway 1A, of the village of Phu Dien, Hau Loc district, Thanh Hoa province, 137km from Hanoi.

Features: mausoleum towers still present, although simple, simple but very solemn. On the natural way out north to south, pedestrians often stop, up the mountain Gai, commemorate the heroic female minister, visited mausoleum and sightseeing.

Her real name is Trieu Thi Trinh, but people familiar with the heart called Ba Trieu respectfully, remembering gratitude she led the revolt against the invaders Wu 3rd century.
Through the gate is a lotus pond, four surface rock embankment. Next is the 5-time forecourt, square grinding stone column edge. After the forecourt is a small courtyard, the two sides described property is the correct seating and ceremony. End terrace 3 harem, built on higher ground, based on the cliffs. Opposite the temple on the mountain Gai, on the other side of national highway 1A Tung mountain - where the tomb Ms. Zhao.
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: Số 68, Đường Bạch Đằng, Thành phố Đà Nẵng
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